We have been so profoundly humbled by the ways in which God has provided for Sarah-Hope that we wanted to take an opportunity to just document how much we had been blessed to date, to thank God and remember His faithfulness to us:
· Sarah-Hope was born 10 days earlier than planned. Because she arrived early, we had enough time to work out that she was going to be around the next year, need expensive treatments, and upgrade our medical aid to the second highest package possible! Phew!
· Our paediatrician wrote to our medical aid outlining the procedures and treatments he thought would be necessary. These were basically all pre-approved right upfront!
· A medical insurance policy we have agreed to let Sarah-Hope be added onto that so we get compensated every time she goes into hospital for more than 24 hours
· Rich getting a contract at just the right time – after a wonderful period of time off after Sarah-Hope’s birth
· Financial gifts – from people we know and other anonymous gifts… amounts of R50, R300, R1000, R3000, R6000, R7000 and R10000 - its been amazing!
· An amazing friend who donated breastmilk to Sarah-Hope during the first few months of her life which helped her get through all her surgeries being fed breastmilk exclusively
And then to top it all off, we had an outrageous experience at a church conference. We were at the end of a talk when the speaker felt God had revealed the words “Ranelagh Road” to him. He asked if that meant anything to anybody as he felt that God wanted to speak to the relevant person. “Ranelagh Road” was the road that we lived in when we got married. Rich reckoned it had to be for us, especially when the speaker spelt out the name. The spelling was incorrect but actually the same one that Rich always used. So when no one else put up their hands we did. We had actually asked the speaker, who we know personally, to pray for Sarah-Hope during the tea break. When he saw that it was us, he said that because he knew some of our situation he would rather have two of the other speakers say if there was anything they felt God wanted to tell us. Both said that they felt God was going to bring about breakthrough for us, even amongst all the challenges, strains and stresses that we were experiencing. Then a lady came up from the congregation. She was given the microphone and she said that when the one speaker had mentioned financial breakthrough she felt that God was challenging her to reach into her own pocket and give into our situation. And she then challenged the church to give to us right now. We were called up to the front and everyone was invited to come and "love on us" and give to us. People came streaming forward, hugging us, putting money at our feet as we stood at the front and wept.
It was unreal. And we can still hardly believe it happened. We were given thousands of rands that day. Crazy stuff. People kept coming up to us afterwards… even though we were the ones so thoroughly spoilt, they were so blessed to have seen the church in action. It was an amazing demonstration of the favour, love and provision of God – and we knew only too well how much we needed that, and would continue to need it in the future.