Even if I had heard it before, it's never quite the same as experiencing it - it is not easy being a sibling of a child with additional needs. But today Libby blew my mind.
It was her idea... she decided we should have a special "Sarah-Hope Day". Just because. She would hand make gifts and cards for her. We would bake something she loves. We would make a sign declaring the occasion. We would do things that Sarah-Hope liked. Just because.
Libby didn't do it with the hope that we would then 'get the hint' and do one for her. She never mentioned that then or to this day. She just decided to celebrate her sister.
I've been much more intentional over the last five years to ensure that Libby gets some separate time with me, Rich, her grannies or special friends. These are times when she can enjoy a greater range of possibilities than exist in our home - sometimes more active play or some dedicated individual attention or a different social connection. I've seen her sense of self develop which has been a gift.
But as the empathetic and compassionate person that she is, she really does delight in being with her sister. She'll make anything fun... like taking over Sarah-Hope's walker (it really isn't for you, Libby!)...
Partake in hypnotherapy...
Nap with her sister...
Play for hours in various imaginary games. I had to laugh recently when the girls were playing 'paralympics'. Libby is usually very accommodating playing dolls and dogs with Sarah-Hope... but in this game she insisted that she was blind, with a guidedog, and Sarah-Hope was her helper that ran with her in order to win a medal! I don't think Sarah-Hope quite knew what to do not getting to be the 'disabled' one but she knew her place in the game that day!