On Saturday we celebrated the fact that she'd been alive for 50 days! The clinic sister says she is thriving... meaning she's "growing, weeing and poohing", and is beautifully alert. Awesome. She continues to be an outstanding communicator (neighbours don't believe there is anything wrong with her lungs!!), and we're trying to become better listeners (before our ear drums burst)!
How is the parenting going?
So we picked up our first parenting book... fascinating stuff. They speak about a flexible routine. This, or so we thought, gave us licence to be flexible in our routine... when we want to feed her, put her down to sleep etc. We didn't realise that the flexibility is actually about her! So the routine is for us, flexibility is for her... crucial distinction!
What's happening medically?
Sarah-Hope has been diagnosed with Thromobocytopenia Absent Radius (TAR), a very rare condition. Knowing this helps her doctors in terms of managing her, as they are able to draw on academic literature regarding treatment. The research indicates that we can expect her condition to improve as time goes by, which is great.
What can we expect in the next few weeks in terms of her treatment?
- almost weekly platelet transfusions. This is in order to keep Sarah-Hope's platelets at healthier levels so that she is less at risk of bruising and bleeding. The paediatrician has also suggested that given her vulnerability, we stop beating her on the back in order to wind her... a softer rub would be more appropriate:)
- a procedure to insert a PEG (tube directly into her stomach), which will replace the nasogastric tube. This is a longer term arrangement until Sarah-Hope develops the respiratory capacity to feed orally, is much easier to manage, and less irritating for her than the nasogastric tube. The super cool thing is that you can put meds and food into the stomach MUCH FASTER than through the nasogastric tube... highly appealing particularly around the midnight and 3am feeds!